Protecting children through a culture of accountability and integrity


Child protection expert Jeff Schweig explains how churches and youth organizations can step up to keep their kids safe.

In this episode of Ministry Pacific Insights, Jeff Schweig, founder and president of Capital Live Scan, discusses the keys to protecting children through a culture of accountability and integrity.

Reports of abused children never cease to alarm – especially when it occurs at churches or organizations created for their benefit. Schweig, a retired police officer and sex crimes investigator, emphasizes that every organization's first obligation is to children. However, pastors and youth leaders don't have to choose between paranoia and a laissez-faire attitude toward adults who work with children. Training and uniform standards can eliminate the temptation and opportunity for sexual misconduct to occur.

Organizations' first line of defense is to prevent sexual misconduct. In addition, with states rolling back or eliminating statutes of limitations, sexual misconduct liability insurance is a firewall to protect your organization from bankruptcy in the event of a civil or criminal trial directed at a member or volunteer. Finally, no misconduct has to occur for a lawsuit to be filed. A simple allegation, however unfounded, can be devastating financially and in the eyes of the community. Listen to this interview, take notes and take action today.

About Jeff Schweig
Jeff is the founder and president of Capital Live Scan, an organization that protects children in California by helping organizations screen volunteers through the state's fingerprint database. He is a public advocate, trainer and speaker. Contact Jeff at




Next steps to protect children at churches and youth organizations

You’ve watched the video interview with Jeff Schweig, so what do you do next? We’re here to help. Download the free Ebook from GuideOne, “Child Safety for Nurseries, Daycares and Playgrounds: A comprehensive guide to creating safe spaces for children and youth.” It’s a complete but concise guide, covering everything from volunteer screening and incident reporting to playground safety.

Although child safety is an urgent matter, we encourage you to methodically improve your current reality. Although you can’t do everything at once, you can do something.




Get more information about protecting children and liability insurance coverage.

Ministry Pacific